Norwich band
The Marisca Trio perform an eclectic range of music. Traditional songs from the North East, Music Hall monologues, Shetland jigs, twin fiddle Polkas, French mazurkas and South American tangos are just some of the directions they may head in on any evening; mainly playing piano and fiddles, but sometimes bringing out a guitar, banjo or musical saw.
The trio are Bob Hanna, piano and vocals, and Suzie Hanna and Lucy Ellis on fiddles. Bob started singing in folk clubs in the late sixties up in Shotley Bridge, and he ran the Sheffield University Folk Club in the early seventies. Suzie and Lucy are sisters and have been playing fiddles together since childhood, making their debut at Studio 4 in the 1960s. They all used to play in the Oily Rag Band in Norwich in the eighties, and Suzie played in an all girl country band Way Out West in the nineties. They reckon Bob is Norwich’s answer to Violet Tulloch, so prepare to tap your feet!
This event starts at 7 pm and is a song session showcase. There will be opportunities for participation in the first half of the evening, so do bring instruments and voices. There is no charge, but there will be a tip jar and raffle to help with expenses. Bring your own drinks, and there will be teas and coffee in the kitchen (50 p). Shirley’s donation box will be on the counter for any contributions that you can spare for the local food bank.