Showcase guests at the singaround on 27 February will be Kiss the Mistress, a popular local trio combining a rare mix of voice, cello, accordion and bodhran. Entry is free and everyone is welcome to come along.
Club officers John Robinson (chair), Bridget Lely (secretary), Fred Brown (treasurer) and Linda Robinson (membership secretary) were asked by the AGM to continue for a further year. Other committee members for 2009-10 are: Judy Bedder, Keith Ellison, Andrea Granville, Brian O’Neill, Caroline Peel and Kelly Woods. The AGM joined John in welcoming Andrea and Caroline to the committee and in thanking retiring committee members Les Ellis and Mick Selvey for all their work on the club’s behalf.
Members commented that guest nights in the past year had been really enjoyable and that they particularly like the wide variety of acoustic music styles at singarounds nowadays.
Membership for 2009-10 is now due and remains at £6. To benefit from reduced ticket prices on guest nights and receive regular updates on club news, download the membership form, or contact the membership secretary on any club night.